Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Kiss

It was my usual visit to the cancer hospital to meet the kids. As I started, little did I know about the astounding moments of the day.

I reached the Paediatric wing of the hospital. The kids stood in the front gate like soldiers and allowed me in only after I shook hands with all of them.

There are 2 things at the hospital that persuades me visit it every year. The smile I see on kid’s face and the head nurse who has dedicated her life for the kids. She is a very old, short lady who looks like Mother Teresa to me. She makes me wonder if god had created her knowing that the kids would need someone like her.

After I had finished my talk with the kids, I started off distributing the dolls and activity books I had brought for them.

The little ones like to hand pick their dolls. So I let them have the pleasure of it. They would come up to me and select the doll they like. All the dolls would look the same expect for the colour. This way I would also get few more minutes to talk to each of them.

There was one boy amongst them who wanted a pen, so that he could start his work immediately on the activity book.

I had no idea that a kid would ask for a pen. I had lots of colour pencils to give, yet did not have the heart to say no to him, as I was not sure if I would meet him the next year.
The bitter fact is that every year I go I meet new kids at the hospital as, kids leave and most of them forever.

It was time for me to dig into my bag with the hope to find a pen. After few minutes of my frantic search I found a pen which had only half of its life left. I had no other option left . I had to offer it to him.

I offered the pen to him promising I would bring a new pen the next time I come. To my surprise he was delighted. I wondered if he really knew the worth of that pen.

I had finished what I had come for. It was time to do some formalities at the hospital's office.

As I walked out of the office, I felt a weak pull. It was the same little fellow. I started to wonder if the pen was dead. I bent down. He reached to my cheek and gave me a kiss. The Kiss that brought tears to my eyes. I promised myself to bring a new pen when I pay a visit the next time, with the hope the little flower still remains.