Monday, September 14, 2009

The Sunset

I saw a lady dressed in blue.
She wore a brilliant jewel
I was losing sight of the jewel as she walked away
Out of sight
Yet its brilliance remain

The unknown

Drops of tears rolled down
Pain in my heart grew bigger
Your hands tried to stop the avalanche of grief
Little did I know that it had love
I am now buried in your avalanche of love.

Monday, March 30, 2009

The best Wedding Gift

Having just a week to go Pooja and Raj are too busy. Ever since their wedding was fixed Pooja and Raj started to spend a lot of time together trying to know each other as it was an arranged marriage.

Pooja is a wonderful girl. She is sweet, beautiful, talented and smart. She is a perfect blend of traditional and modern values. In short she is all that a man of today wishes for. Raj on the other hand is a very balanced person, protective, caring and is in love with Pooja.

Pooja hoped to fall in love and get married. She always imagined her guy to look beyond and love her more than anything else in this world. Being a gal who loved fairly tales, she hoped for that magic to happen in her life .
She knows that Raj is in love with her. Yet, deep within a thought that it might be due to compulsion remains.

The day has finally arrived. Surrounded my relatives she could hardly talk to Raj today.
It was the night of their wedding. As Pooja entered Raj’s room she found a letter on the table. Raj was not in the room and the letter said it was addressed to her from Raj. She started to read it.

It Read
Hi honey,
I need to tell you about an incident that happened before our wedding. It is about the day I fell in love.

I was on a crowded road and it was raining heavily. I was waiting to cross the road.

On the other side I found a girl with an umbrella that, she was sharing with 2 other little girls. It looked as if she was holding it for the little girls and not for her. I was sure the two girls were no way related to her.

Understanding what she was doing, I stood nailed to the ground.

She crossed the road. I found that she had a face of an angel.

Finding it difficult to take my eyes of her, I stood in the same place waiting to know more about what was going on and praying for the rain to stop soon.

The rain god answered my prayers. The two little girls thanked her and left with a smile.

She walked off with the joy of helping those two girls.

I decided to make that angel who had come to help those two girls my very own.
It took a whole year to find her.

Want to see angel?
She is amongst the roses.

Raj on our wedding.

Pooja turned to find a bunch of roses and in it was a photo, a photo of her with those 2 girls whom Raj had described in his letter. She felt Raj’s hand on her shoulders. She turned to find Raj with a smile. She hugged him for the first time and said “I love you”.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Without Him

When I am lost he shows me the way
When I cry he dries my tears
When I smile he captures it
When I frown he Irons my wrinkles
When I am angry, he extinguishes it with his smile
what will I do without him- My dearest friend.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The voice of your soul

A way to express elation
A way to express love
A way to express compassion
A way to express anguish
A way to express yourself to the world
Music - the voice of your soul


Amidst the crowd, I saw an angel helping an old man
She was not dressed in white nor did she have wings
Dressed in blue she had the heart of an angel
An angel whose face the man could never see
Yet, her touch would have told him she was from the stars
Helping that man find his way, she made me lose mine.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Kiss

It was my usual visit to the cancer hospital to meet the kids. As I started, little did I know about the astounding moments of the day.

I reached the Paediatric wing of the hospital. The kids stood in the front gate like soldiers and allowed me in only after I shook hands with all of them.

There are 2 things at the hospital that persuades me visit it every year. The smile I see on kid’s face and the head nurse who has dedicated her life for the kids. She is a very old, short lady who looks like Mother Teresa to me. She makes me wonder if god had created her knowing that the kids would need someone like her.

After I had finished my talk with the kids, I started off distributing the dolls and activity books I had brought for them.

The little ones like to hand pick their dolls. So I let them have the pleasure of it. They would come up to me and select the doll they like. All the dolls would look the same expect for the colour. This way I would also get few more minutes to talk to each of them.

There was one boy amongst them who wanted a pen, so that he could start his work immediately on the activity book.

I had no idea that a kid would ask for a pen. I had lots of colour pencils to give, yet did not have the heart to say no to him, as I was not sure if I would meet him the next year.
The bitter fact is that every year I go I meet new kids at the hospital as, kids leave and most of them forever.

It was time for me to dig into my bag with the hope to find a pen. After few minutes of my frantic search I found a pen which had only half of its life left. I had no other option left . I had to offer it to him.

I offered the pen to him promising I would bring a new pen the next time I come. To my surprise he was delighted. I wondered if he really knew the worth of that pen.

I had finished what I had come for. It was time to do some formalities at the hospital's office.

As I walked out of the office, I felt a weak pull. It was the same little fellow. I started to wonder if the pen was dead. I bent down. He reached to my cheek and gave me a kiss. The Kiss that brought tears to my eyes. I promised myself to bring a new pen when I pay a visit the next time, with the hope the little flower still remains.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A friend

Lost amidst darkness
I see streaks of light
A friend's smile