Friday, March 31, 2023

The Meeting

Stepping out with her handbag, heard her mother’s angry words.

“Come home on time. No meeting up or talking with him. Remember we might stop you from working”.

For those angry words her only reply was a nod. She started walking fast towards a point that her mother could no longer see her.

Then came a sigh of relief. Picking up her phone, she dialled his number ,to inform that she has started.

There was a slight sense of relief at his end as well. At the bus stop she waited for the bus and got into the first one that arrived. Glad to see a seat available she quickly sat to relax.

Her mind and body were exhausted. Although, she has escaped hell for the time being, she has to go back to it in the evening. For the past 4 months it was hell on earth.

Falling in love is magical. Coming from a conservative family, love was considered a crime, she is now being tortured both emotionally and physically. Her thoughts went back to the day when her parents knew about her relationship. Initially she tried to avoid the topic but when things got out of hand, she had to accept and confess. That was the last day, there was peace at home.

Mother stopped talking or even cooking for her. Dad often got angry and at times gave her a tight slap to silence her. She knew this is how her parents would react. Clearly knowing the consequences why venture into this. Exactly what her favourite mama asked her. While her parents handled her with violence, her close relatives like mamas , grandmother and Perima (mom’s elder sister) used emotions as the weapon. She answered all this with her stubborn attitude.

After seeing years of her parents fighting and not getting along , she was clear that she needed a guy who understood her. She did not come to this decision overnight. She did try the arranged marriage route first. To her disappointment nothing really worked. She found none who could handle her parents’ attitude. When a boy was chosen for her and everything was about to get real, the waves washed away the sand castle. Taking refugee with her best friend, who had unknowingly fallen in love with her, she cried for days.

The day he finally opened up, her eye popped up in surprise. She was pretty clear in explaining her situation and telling him that the path is not going to be easy. Somehow, he was prepared for it.

With one of her friends blurting  out to her parents, the pandora’s box was opened up. Her favourite mama who still sees her as a child said, “don’t meet or see each other for 3 months. All these thoughts would fade away. “ She smiled back at him saying “ I am not a kid. I am 25 years old. A relationship at this age does not fadeaway”. Seeing how adamant her mama was, she had to accept the condition. While she informed him, he reacted the way she expected him to. “It really does not matter if we don’t see each other. I will always be there for you”.

It has been 3 months. She was moving from her old company to a new company. A place where she can be close to him again. She can now talk to him and spend lunch time with him. Although, they cannot be explicit about their relationship, being close to him gave a sense of comfort. Most of her old team members had moved here as well. She would be working under the same boss from her old organization. He asked her to finish the HR formalities and call him so that he can introduce her to the new team.

The bus stopped her train of thoughts as she reached her destination. Her cellphone rang again. He wanted to know if she had reached. “I am directly going to the HR desk. I will finish the formalities and we can meet for lunch.” She said.

She met the HR and she was given a bunch of documents for her to fill out. In the small conference room for 4, she saw one more person who is also joining today. After a formal introduction she continued with her work filling out documents.

“HI I am Shyam”.


He was restless. Reaching office an hour early and not able to see her was making him anxious. He had to come up with a plan to meet her. He decided to have breakfast and then go meet her. At least beg her to come out to the lift lobby to say a hi, before she comes into the floor with her boss. Seeing the Archies gift shop, he cooked up a plan.

He purchased a pen , a notepad and had a grin that he struggled to wipe from his face. Their workstations would be at the 5th floor while the HR sits at the 3rd floor. Reaching the 3rd floor, he dialled her number.  She picked up and spoke these hasty words. “I am filling out forms. Meet you at lunch”.

2 minutes later there was a knock at the glass door. She turned to find him standing there with a pen and a notebook. Looking puzzled , she raised her eyebrows wondering what he was upto. He handed over the pen and notebook saying “you asked for it”. Trying not to smile at his romantic act of finding a reason to see her, she just grabbed the pen and the notebook and said “thanks” and turned to the forms in front of her. she could sense his smile as she felt him leave the room. She was in cloud nine and her heart had already left with him. None of these emotions could be seen on her face.

The guy next to her was now scratching his head. He was wondering why she would need a pen when she already held one. He could not control it any longer. “Is your pen not ok?” he asked. She smiled and said “Yes” but continued to write with the pen she already had.

Meeting him after months of separation, his romantic and funny gesture, all made her blush. She ensured none of the mixed emotions she held was seen on her face.

Few months passed and after the waves calmed down, it was finally time for them to be together. Both were excited going to each desk inviting friends at office. Finally, it was Shyam’s Desk. He held out the wedding invitation. Shyam now gave a smile thinking of his first day at that office.

Both smiled bashfully.

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