Monday, May 17, 2010

Tears of friendship.

Waited for years thinking of this day.
Getting her dressed I say the usual phrase
As she walked on the ramp,
Tears walked down my eyes.
In a minute I lived 10years
The years she was with me
Sharing my burden, smile and tears
Now I cry alone while she smiles
Not because I am sad
Because I realized my love for her.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The battle

Days surrounded by fear
Nights filled with tears
All I wanted was the man I loved
Days passed with fire balls burning my ears
The struggle had made me weak
I dropped dead on the battle field
When I opened my eye I was in your arms
Battle continued
That was when I knew you were right behind me
Knowing I would fall
I am still in the battle
But you are the one fighting it
Holding me safely in your arms.